
Publications by categories in reversed chronological order. This list was generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Spotiflow: accurate and efficient spot detection for fluorescence microscopy with deep stereographic flow regression
    Albert Dominguez Mantes ,  Antonio Herrera ,  Irina Khven , and 14 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  2. Unified Mass Imaging Maps the Lipidome of Vertebrate Development
    Halima Hannah Schede ,  Leila Haj Abdullah Alieh ,  Laurel Ann Rohde , and 12 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  3. Statistical inference with a manifold-constrained RNA velocity model uncovers cell cycle speed modulations
    Alex R. Lederer ,  Maxine Leonardi ,  Lorenzo Talamanca , and 11 more authors
    Nature Methods, 2024
  4. Specialized signaling centers direct cell fate and spatial organization in a limb organoid model
    Evangelia Skoufa ,  Jixing Zhong ,  Oliver Kahre , and 12 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024


  1. Neural ADMIXTURE for rapid genomic clustering
    Albert Dominguez Mantes ,  Daniel Mas Montserrat ,  Carlos D. Bustamante , and 2 more authors
    Nature Computational Science, 2023


  1. Archetypal Analysis for population genetics
    Julia Gimbernat-Mayol ,  Albert Dominguez Mantes ,  Carlos D. Bustamante , and 2 more authors
    PLOS Computational Biology, Aug 2022